
From ARTIFICIAl to natural

Our story

Quantum Intelligence Systems was formed organically as a result of over a decade long research on microstructure of financial markets. Coming from that perspective, we showed that price formation of financial securities has quantum nature. Building on that observation, an entire framework – the Quantum Theory of Price Formation – was developed allowing to compute microstructural properties of financial markets, price and execute trades, and even design newly emergent markets.

We realized that financial markets are just one manifestation of a much wider variety of processes with intrinsic irremovable uncertainties. Many processes in operations, manufacturing, logistics and resource allocation share similar properties and require similar quantum approach. Quantum behavior originates at the very core of decision making dealing with a simultaneous spectrum of choices, divergence of adjacent executions, and the ability of decision to impact its own outcome. This type of behavior requires the new, quantum level of decision making .

This new type of intelligence differs from regular AI. It learns through interaction and doesn’t have to take in prepared data. It is capable of influencing the outcome of its own decisions. It requires minimum or no data to set up. It is flexible and does not need to be rebuilt for another application. These advantages give Quantum Intelligence superiority over the regular AI.

It is our vision that in the future decisions will be made by quantum algorithms operating on quantum chips. Quantum Intelligence Systems has resolved to make that future a present day reality.

Why Quantum Intelligence

Easy setup

Requires minimum or no training


Learns through interaction on the go


Infers and anticipates the next move

New level of intelligence

Regular AI will soon be obsolete. Find out what quantum intelligence can do for your organization.